Mr. Osumi & Ms. Oguro’s Atelier visit
(English follows Japanese)
Photo & text by Ikumi Hane
なんでこちらに越してきたんですか?という質問を東京がご出身だという大隅さんに何度もしてしまいました。 「陶芸家は火を使うからしょうがなく山奥にいるんですよ。」と言いながら見せてくださったのは手作りの大きな窯でした。「先輩の陶芸家たちがきてくれて、大隅くんの窯をつくるぞ!って作ってくれたんです。このアトリエはもともと材木屋だったので、木材が余っていたのでそれを棚板に活用したり、窯の上の屋根を作ったり。レンガも地域の方からいただいて作ったんです」 それは立派な窯で「陶芸家はなんでも自分たちで作る人が多いんですよね」という言葉に格段の説得力がありました。
作品から大隅さんの人柄が滲み出ているような、強く、嘘のない、おおらかな作品。 春に生まれた娘さんの名前がはるこちゃんというのも、アトリエにハシゴが多かったからハシゴ描いたという絵柄のお皿もこの場所にあるもの全てがあまりにも大隅さんらしく、作品から先に知って愛用していたので、訪問させていただき、全てが繋がる感覚でした。
「今は少し大きな花瓶やツボ、オブジェ作品をつくってみたいという気持ちがあります」 展示する場所と機会も決まっていない時に、作りたいものを作ってみたというツボが二つ、テーブルの上に置かれていました。私はこのツボに一目惚れして、ご連絡をさせていただいたことを思い出しました。
January 7, 2024
I took the first Shinkansen that left early in the morning at 6:00 a.m. from Tokyo Station to Yaotsu-cho, Kamo-gun, Gifu Prefecture.This is a short trip to visit the atelier in Yaotsu-cho, where the artist couple, Mr. Osumi and Ms. Oguro are living.
When I asked them where the closest train station was to their home, they told me it would take 40 minutes one way by car. The house was so deep in the mountains that I, originally from Gifu Prefecture, was surprised!
Mr. Osumi's atelier
What is the reason you move here? I asked Mr. Osumi many times, who is originally from Tokyo. He answered "Because potters use fire. We have no choice but to stay deep in the mountains.” He showed me a large handmade kiln. "Senior potters helped us build a kiln. This atelier used to be a lumber shop, so we had some leftover wood, which we used for shelves and to make the roof over the kiln. The bricks were also provided by local residents." It was a magnificent kiln, and his words were very convincing: "There are many potters who make everything by themselves."
While he was showing me how he works on the wheel, I was chatting with him. "I have recently discovered that I have strong attention to something round and white." He also told me that "The finished work wasn't supposed to be round, but it turned out to be round.”
His work is strong, honest, and generous, as if Mr. Osumi's personality exudes from his work. Everything in this place reflects Mr. Osumi’s personality, including his daughter named Haruko who was born in the spring(Haru in Japanese), and the plates with a design that he drew on a ladder because there were many ladders in his atelier. I loved Mr. Osumi's works before I visited him, I had a feeling that everything was connected.
The horse facing left, a good-luck charm for the wood-fired kiln, was created by another artist who participated in Mr. Osumi's wood-fired kiln before firing.
Ms. Oguro's atelier
I was surprised to see Ms. Oguro's posture when she works, and asked her "Do you always stand up while you make? She replied, "Because it makes more interesting shapes.”
Her hand-twisted, distorted-shaped vases and vessels are painted with bright chalk and cut sheets. The colors are added after they have been fired to give them a vivid tone.
I had wanted to ask Ms. Oguro to create a piece for the 2023 event, but she was pregnant, so this visit to her atelier was a long-awaited opportunity. She welcomed me with her daughter with bright red cheeks in her arms.
On the wall of the atelier, there were chalk drawings of plates by Munemaro Ishiguro and a handkerchief with a cute design that she had purchased at a store. On a shelf board, I found a small cradle-like object, which made me feel warm and tender.
She said, "Now I feel like I want to make some larger vases, jars, and objects." Two jars were placed on the table, which she had made what she wanted to make when she had not yet decided on a place and occasion to exhibit them. I remember that I fell in love with these jars at first sight and decided to contact her.
大隅新 / 陶芸家
1988 年 東京生まれ
2014 年 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 卒業
Arata Osumi / Ceramic Artist
1988 Born in Tokyo
2014 Graduated from Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center
After graduation, worked at a ceramic factory in Toki City for 5 years
Currently working in Yaotsu-cho, Gifu Prefecture
小黒ちはる / 陶芸家
1988年 新潟市うまれ
2012年 東北芸術工科大学卒業
2013年 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所卒業
現在 岐阜県にて制作
Chiharu Oguro / Ceramic Artist
1988 Born in Niigata City
2012 Graduated from Tohoku University of Art & Design
2013 Graduated from Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center
Currently works in Gifu Prefecture