Wearable sculpture By Daniela Jacobs

By Daniela Jacobs
物質性、新しい世界の創造、そして物が使われることによって変化していく様子に私はいつも魅了されてきました。自然の織りなす質感、色彩、形状、音 – その中でも特に地中海の岩場や力強い海、生い茂る植物からインスピレーションを受けています。ニューヨークとマヨルカ島(スペイン)を行き来しながら育った私にとって、都会のエネルギーや、展望や夢を強く抱く人からもまた、大きく心を動かされています。シンプルでありながら複雑、非対称でありながらバランス、繊細でありながら大胆、そんな二面性を作品を通して考えています。
Since its beginning, ARC has been a way for me to explore what it means to create usable and wearable sculpture. For me this means pieces that simultaneously serve a function and play with the boundaries of shape, form, composition, and utility.
I've always been fascinated by materiality, inventing new worlds, and watching things transform as they are used. I draw inspiration from textures, colors, shapes, and sounds found in nature – especially the Mediterranean with its rocky coasts, powerful sea, and lush overgrown plants. As someone who grew up between New York City and Mallorca (Spain), there is also a big part of me that is moved by the energy of the city, of people with strong visions and dreams. This duality is also something that I like to think about through my work: how something can be simple yet complex, asymmetrical yet balanced, delicate yet bold.