Story of Clandestine
2024年2月に 日本で初めてお披露目をするブランド Clandestine Ceramique(クランディスティン セラミック)。デザイナーのソフィーにブランドの立ち上げのお話を伺いました。

Why did you name it “Clandestine”?
A "clandestine project" in French means something done underground, something secret, and it quite began all like this.
I had my studio in my apartment during almost the first year of year, beside my boyfriend's music studio, my knitting machines with my yarns. It was kind of an "underground" creative place, and one day, we called the whole flat Clandestine Studio, and that was it. My friends gifted me a throwing wheel for my birthday, expending the Clandestine little corner.
They were visiting us never barefoot in the house, because Clandestine little corner was getting bigger and bigger every week, and all the flat was becoming sandy with all the productions and orders, coming worldwide (from the beginning), and we laughed about it a lot, and without noticing it, we already had "Clandestine" in our mind. so, I decided to keep it, as we all integrated it well :)
また、クランデスティンには、家族、部族を意味する "クラン"があり、当初からクランデスティンからの主なメッセージのひとつは、同じ価値観、同じビジョン(クラフトマンシップ、品質、ゆっくりとした生産)を共有する家族の一員であることでした。
作品は、制限やエリート主義にとらわれることなく、誰もがクランの一員になれるということも意図しています。- ねじれたハンドルのカップを持ってもいいし、より彫刻的な作品を選んでもいい。自分自身でクランを大きくしていくことができます。
Besides, Clandestine gets the "Clan" which means the family, the tribe, and from the very beginning it has been one of the main messages from Clandestine, to be part of a family, sharing the same values and the same vision (about craftmanship, quality, slow production).
In term of pieces, it also means that everybody can be part of the Clan, without any restriction or elitism - you can have a cup with the twisted handle, or a more sculptural piece, you will both make the Clan bigger in your own way :)
By family, I also mean the whole group of people, the community that helped me from the beginning even if Clandestine was from scratch. I remember that for my first order, I asked a very well friend of mine, Marie, to help me in between 2 surf session, to make a shooting and I was paying her pizzas.
Again, Marie and another friend Maxime helping me in Milano during an exhibition. Some friends of friends helping me painting my studio as I was anxious about white walls. I have a lot of that kind of stories but that is true that in the end, apart from all my professional partners, I had a lot of help from a lot of people, like a community created around Clandestine :)

Clandestine Ceramique(クランディスティン セラミック)
Clandestine’s studio is in the Galician Coast, in Spain. Each piece can be seen as a love message to the Ocean, from the wavy handles to the sandy texture. Families of vases are meant to grow and can be mixed, to create your own Clan. Every Clan is imagined, designed, then slowly hand-made in the studio. Behind Clandestine’s, there is Sophie; a French designer that moved to Spain in 2019 after ten years working in fashion studios in Paris.